Memberships and voluntary commitments

Memberships and voluntary commitments

Organisation and purpose

Year of joining and relationship

Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh (since September 2021: International Agreement on Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry)

The Accord is a coalition of more than 190 garment brand companies, global union federations IndustriALL and UNI Global Union, and international non-governmental organisations. The aim is to ensure the more than 1,600 supplier factories in Bangladesh are safe workplaces with high standards, regular inspections and empowered workers.

In 2021, the Accord was transferred to a new structure as the "International Accord" and supplemented with additional voluntary commitments.


Voluntary commitment

Member (founding member)

ACT on Living Wages

The ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation) initiative focuses on living wages in the garment industry, based on trade union rights and industry-wide collective bargaining in priority countries, as well as better purchasing practices and long-term voluntary commitments by the 22 member companies in collaboration with IndustriALL Global Union.



Tchibo is a founding member and is involved in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar and Turkey, as well as in the working groups dealing with purchasing practices, freedom of association and strategic questions.

Foreign Trade Association of German Retailers e.V. (AVE)/amfori AISBL

The AVE represents the interests of trade companies in Germany and Europe, in particular those that import directly.


Member of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board of the Sustainability Committee

amfori AISBL

amfori, ehemals Foreign Trade Association (FTA), ist der europäische Dachverband der AVE. Er ist Träger des Business and Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) Programms.


berufund­fa­milie GmbH

The initiative of the non-profit Hertie Foundation promotes family-friendly human resources policies in companies.



German Environmental Management Association (B.A.U.M.)

Under the acronym B.A.U.M., the Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management (German Environmental Management Association) has successfully combined economic, environmental and social issues – in other words, the principles of sustainability – in a pioneering approach since 1984. Today, B.A.U.M. has well over 500 members and is a strong network of companies for sustainable business. In addition to many well-known companies, supporting members also include associations and institutions.



German E-Commerce and Distance Selling Trade Association (bevh)

The industry association of interactive retailers (online and mail-order retailers) represents the interests of its members to legislators and political and economic institutions. It also provides information on current developments and trends and facilitates mutual sharing of experiences.



Partnership for Sustainable Textiles

The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles is a multi-stakeholder partnership in which companies and trade and industry associations from the German textile sector work together with the German government, non-governmental organisations, standards organisations, trade unions and the scientific community to improve and implement social and environmental standards at all levels along the textile supply chains.


Voluntary commitment

Member (founding member)

Clean Cargo Working Group

The Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG) is a business-to-business leadership initiative involving major brands, cargo carriers, and freight forwarders dedicated to reducing the environmental impacts of global goods transportation and promoting responsible shipping. Today, CCWG tools represent the industry standard for measuring and reporting ocean carriers’ environmental performance on carbon dioxide emissions.



Coffee & Climate

The development partnership founded by international coffee companies, a green coffee trader and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) addresses the adaptation of coffee farming to changing climatic conditions. It provides local stakeholders with the tools and knowledge to identify the risks posed by climate change to coffee farming and to teach appropriate adaptation methods.



Tchibo is a founding member, as well as having a seat on the Steering Committee.

Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) by the Aid by Trade Foundation

The Aid by Trade Foundation is a foundation that, together with various partners from the worlds of business, politics, science and civil society, helps to fight poverty and protect the environment in developing countries, especially in Africa. The CmiA initiative set up by the foundation aims to promote environmentally and socially responsible yet economically viable cotton-growing in Africa – and thus to improve the living conditions of small-scale farmers and their families.



Tchibo is a partner and member of the initiative’s advisory board. We support CmiA as a buyer of CmiA cotton and as a partner on educational projects.

COVID-19: Action in the Global Garment Industry

The International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Organization of Employers (IOE) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are promoting action across the global garment industry to help manufacturers survive this economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and protect the income, health and employment of garment workers. The Call to Action also calls for the development of sustainable social protection systems for a more just and resilient garment industry.


Voluntary commitment

German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)

The GIZ implements international cooperation projects and programmes for sustainable development for various federal ministries, international organisations and private clients worldwide and is active in international education.



Cooperation on the development and implementation of training programmes, such as the Tchibo WE Programme, social dialogue in Myanmar and chemicals management in Bangladesh.

German Coffee Association

The German Coffee Association (Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V.) is the umbrella organisation representing the interests of the coffee industry. It provides an opportunity for networking and dialogue between experts from the German coffee industry.



EuroCham Myanmar

The European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar represents the interests of its member companies in Myanmar and towards the EU. It serves as a platform for information exchange as well as - in our case - for concerns related to the sustainable development of the textile sector in the country, the infrastructure and the relevant legal framework affecting the textile business environment.



Tchibo is part of the Garment Advocacy Group

European Coffee Federation (ECF)

The European Coffee Federation is the unified voice of European coffee retailers and the European coffee industry. It promotes the development of an environment in which the industry can meet the needs of consumers and society whilst competing for the resilience and long-term sustainability of the coffee supply chain.

Tchibo is represented by virtue of its membership of the German Coffee Association and chairs the Sustainability Committee.


Fairtrade standards ensure that minimum prices are paid and enable coffee farmers to sustainably improve their living and working conditions. The independent Fairtrade label gives consumers the assurance that the products which bear it meet the international standards for fair trade.


Licence holder

Tchibo is a member of Fairtrade's Coffee Product Advisory Council.

FairWertung e.V.

For more than 20 years, the umbrella organisation FairWertung has been campaigning for responsible handling of old clothes and greater transparency in collection and recycling. To this end, FairWertung developed and implemented standards for the collection of textiles at an early stage.



Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)

The non-profit organisation awards a recognised label for wood and paper products that are sourced from responsibly managed forests. Independent institutes check every company participating in the value chain for compliance with the strict FSC® standards.



Tchibo is a member of both FSC® Germany and of FSC® International.

By selling FSC®-certified products, Tchibo is boosting demand for wood and paper from forests that are responsibly managed according to strict guidelines.

Fur Free Retailer Program

The Fur Free Retailer Program is an international initiative that aims to inform consumers about retailers’ fur policies. The programme aims to raise awareness about ethical shopping. A list provides information about retailers who have pledged not to include fur products in their product ranges.


Voluntary commitment


Tchibo has not sold any fur products since 2006 and has pledged not to include any fur products in its ranges in the future by signing the Fur Free Policy

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

The Global Organic Textile Standard guarantees the sustainable production of textiles, from the extraction of organically produced, natural raw materials to environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing right through to transparent labelling.



Tchibo has been awarded GOTS certification and can therefore offer GOTS-certified products in Germany.

German Retail Association (Handelsverband Deutschland – HDE)

The HDE is the umbrella organisation of the German retail trade. It represents the concerns and interests of the entire retail trade across all sectors, locations and company sizes.



Tchibo is an active member of the legal, environment, energy and non-food committees.

IndustriALL Global Union

The international trade union federation IndustriALL Global Union represents 50 million workers in manufacturing industries, including the garment industry.



Tchibo has signed a Global Framework Agreement with IndustriALL Global Union to strengthen the rights of trade unions in our non-food supply chains.

Pro Recycled Paper Initiative (IPR)

This initiative, launched by companies from various sectors, aims to further increase acceptance of the use of recycled paper with the Blue Angel eco-label and to set a good example.



International Coffee Organisation (ICO)
Coffee Public Private Task Force (CPPTF)

The International Coffee Organisation is the most important intergovernmental organisation for coffee. It brings together exporting and importing governments to address the challenges of the global coffee sector through international cooperation. Tchibo is a member of the Coffee Public Private Task Force, whose mission is to build a common consensus on priority issues and actions to be discussed.


Supporter of the London Declaration

Inter­na­tional Coffee Partners (ICP)

This industry-wide initiative aims to permanently improve the living conditions of small-scale farmers by applying sustainable farming methods and following the principle of ‘helping people to help themselves’.


Member (founding member)

Tchibo is a member of the Steering Committee.

Institute for Scien­tific Infor­mation on Coffee (ISIC)

The non-profit organisation ISIC was founded in 1990 with the aim of scientifically researching the topic of coffee consumption and health and disseminating its findings.



German Environmental Aid’s Bioeconomy Network

The Bioeconomy Network of German Environmental Aid facilitates expert discussions between policymakers, government, civil society and business leaders on the latest topics in bioeconomy.



Organic Cotton Accele­rator (OCA)

The multi-stakeholder organisation OCA works in cross-sector projects to promote structural change for the organic cotton sector in order to increase demand for organic cotton and organic cotton products as well as to support the farmers growing organic cotton. This includes fair purchasing practices, improved access to high-quality organic cotton seeds for farmers and the integrity of processes at every stage in the supply chain.


Partner­un­ter­nehmen companies

Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance is an internationally renowned, independent environmental protection organisation that works to protect vulnerable ecosystems by promoting sustainable land management. The Rainforest Alliance label stands for environmentally responsible farming methods and socially responsible business practices. This includes conserving resources and providing training assistance to coffee farmers.


Licence holder

Science Based Target Initiative

The Science Based Target Initiative drives ambitious climate initiatives in the private sector by enabling companies to set science-based emission reduction targets.


Voluntary commitment

Science Based Targets Network

Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) Corporate Engagement Program

By taking part in the SBTN Corporate Engagement Programme, we are helping to develop and test user-friendly methods, tools and guides for setting Science-Based Targets for Nature.



Short­Sea­Shipping Inland Waterway Promotion Center (SPC)

The ShortSeaShipping Inland Waterway Promotion Centre (SPC) is a public-private partnership (PPP) between the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, numerous state ministries of German federal states and shipping companies. The SPC advises logistics companies and carries out education and awareness-raising work on the advantages of intermodal networking of transport modes.



The Microfibre Consortium

The Microfibre Consortium (TMC) facilitates the development of applied solutions for the textile industry with the aim of minimising the dispersal of fibres into the natural environment.



Textile Exchange

Textile Exchange is a global non-profit organisation that works closely with its members to drive the industry's transformation towards more sustainable fibres, integrity, standards and responsible supply networks.



UNFCCC Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action

Throughout 2018, fashion industry stakeholders, under the auspices of the UN Climate Change Secretariat, worked to identify ways in which the broader textile, apparel and fashion industry can move towards a comprehensive commitment to tackle climate change. They created the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, which includes a vision to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.



United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

Under the Global Compact, companies around the world work together under the umbrella of the United Nations to create a sustainable and integrated global economy that delivers lasting benefits to all people, communities and markets. The UNGC has formulated ten universal principles on human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption, which are firmly established in business practices worldwide and thus also support the goals of the United Nations.


Voluntary commitment


Tchibo is committed to the ten principles of the UNGC and has published a progress report since joining. Since 2012, the annual progress report has been prepared in accordance with the more demanding ‘GC Advanced Level’.

Tchibo is part of the German Global Compact Network.

World Coffee Research (WCR)

World Coffee Research is a non-profit research and development organisation. Its mission is to promote, protect and improve the supply of high-quality coffee whilst also improving the living conditions of the families who produce it.



Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Initiative (ZDHC)

The Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals initiative works with global brands, chemical suppliers, manufacturers and other organisations to reduce the impact of chemicals used in industry on the planet.

