Our WE programme works with people in our supply chain factories to help them understand and defend their own rights.
Knowing your rights and articulating demands
The aim of the WE Programme is to improve working conditions in our supply chains in a lasting and self-sustaining way. It provides support for our producers, enabling them to meet and exceed the requirements of our Social and Environmental Code of Conduct (SCoC).

How does WE work exactly?
Where is WE?
The WE programme is active in factories in Bangladesh, China, India, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Turkey and Vietnam. The factories produce clothing and textiles, leather goods, jewellery, electronics, furniture, metal products and kitchen utensils for Tchibo and other customers.

Our results for 2021
Challenges we are continuously working on
Despite our continuous efforts to develop the programme over the years, some challenges remain. These are challenges familiar to other professionals in the field of human rights, transformation or development work:
What we have learned – and changed
WE programme starts
Pilot phase with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Integration in the Tchibo supply chain
Roll-out of the WE programme begins in 2012. In addition to the pilot countries Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand, we also set up the WE programme in Ethiopia, India, Cambodia, Turkey and Vietnam. By the end of 2015, 323 factories have been included in the programme.
At this point, as is not uncommon when undergoing expansion, we realise that we have now placed too much emphasis on quantity over quality in the expansion process: we put human rights issues and WE values (dialogue, empowerment and co-creation) firmly centre stage once more.
Strengthening local teams
We continue to implement the changes introduced in 2016, whilst at the same time focusing on strengthening and linking up the local WE teams.
WE in the COVID-19 pandemic
Depending on the pandemic situation, the WE facilitators conduct the activities with workers and managers online, in a hybrid form between online and on-site, or in person, in strict compliance with national hygiene regulations.