Status Quo and perspective

The topic of sustainability is gaining increasing importance and attention in society. The legal requirements are becoming more demanding and are forcing entire industries to change course. This benefits people and the environment along our supply chains. The significantly improved transparency also brings many advantages for consumers.
In order to support this transparency with comparable reporting standards, the legislature is demanding new reporting formats from 2024/2025. For example:
- the report on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (from April 2024),
- Publication of statements on deforestation-free products and supply chains (Deforestation Regulation from 2025)
- Reporting of CO2 emissions from energy-intensive products manufactured outside the EU (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Regulation from 2024)
- Corporate sustainability reporting as part of the annual report (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive from 2026)
We consider the measures and the different reporting formats to be sensible and strongly support the legislature's push to comprehensibly standardize reporting in the area of sustainability. However, we are faced with the challenge that the proper implementation of the new formats - especially in the implementation phase - involves considerable additional effort and major changes to our previous reporting. In order to meet current and future challenges equally, we have decided on the following approach:
- In order to continue to provide transparent information about our activities, the status of our sustainability goals as well as the challenges and achievements during the transition phase, we will continue to maintain and supplement our existing reporting formats. For reasons of efficiency, however, we are combining the sustainability reports for 2022 and 2023 into an overarching 2-year report.
- We will also present our new report on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in April 2024 – as required by law.
- From 2026 we will go public with a newly prepared sustainability report (according to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). We are already working on that.
To ensure that there are no gaps in content during the transition phase, we also provide up-to-date information on all important innovations and changes relating to the topic of sustainability on our website (insert link). If you miss certain information in the current reports or require further, detailed information, we are always available to answer your questions. Feel free to come to us!